
Slice of Life 2020: Day 10

I often scroll through my phone photos hunting inspiration for a blog post. These two shred pics caught my eye.

“Sick moves” is what my 13-year-old calls these.

Just looking at the image, I see an outfit carefully crafted for that perfect vibe out at the park. The high tops coordinate with the sweatshirt; the khakis provide the extra stretch. Slick stickers embellish the helmet.

This photo also shows precisely what happens at the skate park. You drop into the pool on your board or scooter, get raw speed, then pop out with decent air whipping the tail around before you land securely on the deck.

If you’re lucky, you’ll land your trick and the dudes out there will say, “That was sick, bro.”

Earnest fun for a winter day.

2 thoughts on “Shredding

  1. Oh to be young and have “sick moves” again. I’d end of face planting and the only sick thing would be my picture after stitches!! 🙂 However, your son is a brave one, I’ll give him that? Do he do this with skateboard/longboards or is he strictly a scooter kid?

    Thank you for sharing today!

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